Progressive Lawmakers Demand to Know Racial Makeup of Military Forces Deployed to Ukraine to Ensure 'Equitable Representation'
Washington, D.C. — Progressive lawmakers demanded that the Pentagon release information related to the racial makeup of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division, which was recently deployed near the Ukrainian border amid the Russian invasion. They insisted it was important to make sure the U.S. military does its part to promote “equity” within its ranks.
“We need to know what percentage of these forces are black, white, Latinx, and Asian. Otherwise, we can’t be sure that the military is upholding the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion as they slaughter Russian soldiers,” said Rep. Cori Bush (D-MA) during a live stream on Instagram.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expressed similar sentiments during an appearance on MSNBC. “I don't think there is anything wrong with making sure racial minorities have just as much of a chance of getting killed in an unnecessary war overseas as white soldiers,” she said. “It’s all about ensuring equity.”
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), who heads the House Progressive Caucus, released a statement calling on the Pentagon to “prove to the nation that it is not still upholding whiteness in its deployments.”
Jayapal was not only concerned with racial equity when it comes to the division’s mission in Europe. In her statement, she also said she “hopes there are at least two transgendered individuals being included in the fighting, should it come to that.”
“President Biden recently said that America will be more tolerant when we see transgenders represented in our institutions. What better way to make the country more accepting than to have exchange gunfire with some Russians?" she added.