I am an ardent conservatarian and listen to many conservative commentators. I am struck not so much by their blindness to the real injustices against blacks in our recent history (the concept of merit runs strong in them, it does) but am completely confounded by their insistence in attacking MLK and the notion that there is still injustice. I am not in favor of affirmative action and reject the notion that white supremacy is the root of all evil. But white conservatives need to sit down with Blacks (of any political leaning) and actually listen to the real life struggles instead of attacking true symbols of the struggle (like MLK). And the notion of Bull Connor Day is repulsive. I have had many conversations with Black friends and acquaintances and there is much common ground if we would stop the idiotic attacks.

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Bless y'all hearts

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This almost reads like one of the satire news pieces. Can (seemingly) intelligent people really think this way? I need to check on Charlie Kirk. I hope he really didn't go there. I once had respect for him.

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